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Why Active Seniors Love Pickleball

A close-up shot of a pickleball paddle and ball

If you’ve never played pickleball, you might not get why it’s become so incredibly popular with seniors. While there are many health benefits of pickleball, that’s not the main reason people play. Rather, people love pickleball because it’s fun. 

Pickleball players are generally known for being nice and welcoming of newcomers. They’re excited about pickleball, and they want you to be too! Here are five reasons why pickleball has become a top senior activity. 

1. It’s Easy to Learn

Even those who have been on the sidelines their whole lives can usually pick up a paddle and successfully rally a pickleball, which is a lot like a Wiffle ball. The serve has to be underhand, so it’s fairly easy to master. Even overheads are not all that hard when the ball is coming at you so much slower than something like a tennis ball. 

2. It’s A Super Social Senior Activity

Perhaps because it is so easy to learn, it’s common to see all ages and skill levels playing together. Plus, you can fit four pickleball courts on a single tennis court — and your average pickler almost always plays doubles. Making it easy to banter between points. 

It’s also common at popular pickleball sites to play a match and then wait 15 minutes or so before hopping on the court again. This is where friendships begin to form as you chat, sip your water, and watch others play. 

Because pickleball has only recently become popular in the last couple of years, everybody is fairly new to the game and you won’t find many pickleball snobs. Most players revel in the shared experience, rather than doing whatever it takes to win. 

3. It Helps Active Seniors Stay Fit

A 160-pound person can burn between 500 and 700 calories in an hour of pickleball, according to the Racquet Sports Center. That’s about double what you burn in an hour of moderate walking.

Pickleball also requires squatting, reaching overhead, and bending down — all of which work the muscles that help us function better off the court. You’ll also get your heart rate up which, of course, is good for your cardiovascular health.

A study in the International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology found that older adults who played pickleball three days per week for six weeks improved their blood pressure, cholesterol, and fitness levels. 

The best part is that you don’t really feel like you’re working out. After a couple of hours of playing with some downtime mixed in, you can easily get most of your steps in for the day. 

4. It’s A Mood-Boosting Senior Activity

All physical activity bumps up the feel-good hormones that make us happy, but pickleball has the added benefit of combining exercise with socializing. 

Take a look at this 2023 review of 13 research papers, which specifically addressed the over-50 population. It concluded that the mental health benefits of pickleball are significant, including “personal well-being, life satisfaction, depression, stress, happiness, etc.”

5. It’s Everywhere!

You’ve probably noticed how many pickleball courts are at your local parks while many racquet clubs have also been converted into pickleball courts. In fact, there are now more than 50,000 indoor and outdoor courts in the United States.

To find a court or play time near you, input your zip code into this search bar on, the official court and game finder of USA Pickleball. Often, equipment is provided, but you’ll find that most players usually buy their own gear after trying the sport out. This guide for choosing a paddle can help if you decide to invest in equipment. 

The Risks Of Pickleball For Seniors

Since pickleball is easy and fun to play, it’s tempting to overdo it. The result is that pickleball injuries are on the rise. Just like any physical activity or sport, it’s important to wear the right shoes (court shoes), warm up properly, and know your limits. 

Don’t let your competitive spirit push your body further than it wants to go. After all, nothing ruins the fun of pickleball like a strained muscle or torn ligament. 

Pickleball is popular for seniors because it is so much fun — and fairly safe if you don’t get carried away. So head to your local courts, grab a paddle, and get in on the many mental and physical health benefits of pickleball.

Activities for Seniors at The Oaks at Denville

At The Oaks at Denville, we promote wellness in everything we do through our award-winning LivWell program. In addition to our state-of-the-art fitness center, you’ll find a heated indoor pool and plenty of walking trails at our Denville, New Jersey, campus. Interested in taking a tour? Use this quick form to schedule a visit. Whether you like working out or enjoy happy hour with friends (or both!) you’ll find it in our active senior living community. 

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